Quotation Oasis

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All you need to Know about Quotes About Imagination

Imagination provides a lot of inspiration and subjects for quotes, and we love collecting quotes about imagination on this site. Below are some of the questions that we frequently get asked about imagination quotes.

If you’re just interested in the quotes themselves, then check out the side bar to see a full list of all the Imagination quotes that we have on the site.

Frequently Asked Questions About Imagination

Which authors have written about Imagination?

Throughout the years, a lot of writers have written on the subject of imagination. But everyone has to have their favorites, and at Quotation Oasis, we particularly like the Imagination quotes written by these authors

  • JRR Tolkien
  • CS Lewis
  • Edgar Allan Poe
  • William Shakespeare
  • Mary Shelley
  • HP Lovecraft
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Neil Gaiman
  • Roald Dahl
  • JK Rowling
  • Ursula K Le Guin
  • Ray Bradbury
  • George RR Martin
  • Stephen King
  • Emily Bronte
  • Jorge Luis Borges
  • Italo Calvino
  • Haruki Murakami
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Salman Rushdie

We are always trying to add new quotes to the site, so please keep checking back for new imagination quotes from the authors above and please don’t hesitate to let us know if you’d like to see more imagination quotes from a particular author on the site.

Which themes are most often covered in quotes about Imagination?

The good thing about imagination quotes is that they can cover such a broad range of topics and themes, but some of our favorite topics and themes that imagination quotes cover are -

  • Creativity
  • Dreams
  • Innovation
  • Fantasy
  • Vision
  • Possibility
  • Inspiration
  • Exploration
  • Curiosity
  • Imagination vs Reality
  • Imagination
  • Childhood
  • Imagination
  • Art
  • Imagination
  • Science
  • Imagination
  • Literature
  • Imagination
  • Education

What are some of the best and most popular quotes about Imagination?

There are so many great quotes about imagination, but we’ve picked out some of our favorites below. We hope you enjoy them.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
Albert Einstein

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
Albert Einstein

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Albert Einstein

Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.
George Bernard Shaw

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
Lewis Carroll

Imagination is the power of the mind over the possibilities of things.
William Stevens

Imagination is the voice of daring. If there is anything Godlike about God, it is that. He dared to imagine everything.
Henry Miller

Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored.
Patricia A. McKillip

Imagination is the air of mind.
Philip James Bailey

Imagination is the spark that ignites the fire of creativity.
Richard Laurence Peterson