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A Massive Collection of Quotes about Friendship and Success to Help to Put Things into Perspective

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How We've Organized the Quotes about Friendship And Success On this Page

To make it easier to navigate all the quotes on the page we’ve split them into sections. Each section is headed by a heading, and each quote is followed by the name of the author. If you want to go staright to a section then click the heading name in the list below.

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Role Of Friends In Achieving Goals

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Albert Schweitzer

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
African Proverb

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
Charles R. Swindoll

The best way to predict your future is to create it.
Abraham Lincoln

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.
C.S. Lewis

I have learned that friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's about who came and never left your side.
Yolanda Hadid

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Impact Of Toxic Friendships On Success

Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.
John Mark Green

You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.
Joel Osteen

The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity.
Colin Powell

Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself.
Edmund Lee

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
Jim Rohn

Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don't hesitate. Fumigate.
Mandy Hale

The people you surround yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose friends who have healthy habits.
Dan Buettner

You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around.

Surround yourself with positive people who will support you when it rains, not just when it shines.

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Value Of True Friendship In Achieving Success

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.
Henry David Thoreau

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Benefits Of Surrounding Yourself With Successful Friends

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill

Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
Steve Jobs

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Connection Between Friendship And Personal Growth

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.
William Shakespeare

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Influence Of Friends On Career Success

Your network is your net worth.
Porter Gale

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.
Phil Jackson

Surround yourself with people who have dreams, desire, and ambition; they'll help you push for and realize your own.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.
Steve Jobs

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Role Of Friendship In Overcoming Obstacles

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.
Woodrow T. Wilson

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.
John Evelyn

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Importance Of Building Strong Friendships For Long-Term Success

True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.
George Washington

The best time to make friends is before you need them.
Ethel Barrymore

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Impact Of Supportive Friends On Mental Health And Well-Being

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Walter Winchell

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Connection Between Friendship And Financial Success

Surround yourself with people who have dreams, desire and ambition; they'll help you push for and realize your own.

The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work.
Robert Kiyosaki

If you want to achieve greatness, surround yourself with people who challenge and inspire you.

The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.
James Cash Penney

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Role Of Friendship In Finding Happiness And Fulfillment

Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.
George Eliot

Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.
Thomas Aquinas

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Importance Of Being A Good Friend In Achieving Success

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.
Bernard Meltzer

The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Importance Of Having Supportive Friends

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.
Hubert H. Humphrey

Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.
Oprah Winfrey

A true friend is someone who is there for you when they'd rather be anywhere else.
Len Wein

The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.
Edna Buchanan

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
Elbert Hubbard

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
Helen Keller

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island... to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.
Baltasar Gracian

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
Muhammad Ali

The best way to have a good friend is to be one.
J. C. Ryle

Friendship And Success Quotes About The Power Of Positive Relationships

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
Jim Morrison

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'
C.S. Lewis

True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.
David Tyson Gentry

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
Mahatma Gandhi

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