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All the Quotes about Friendship and Generosity You Could Ever Need

Our quotes about friendship and generosity belong to a larger section on the site named “Friendship Quotes”. You can find out more information about that section, including further links to quotes similar to the ones below, by clicking here

How We've Organized the Quotes about Friendship And Generosity On this Page

To make it easier to navigate all the quotes on the page we’ve split them into sections. Each section is headed by a heading, and each quote is followed by the name of the author. If you want to go staright to a section then click the heading name in the list below.

Friendship And Generosity Quotes About Badanswer

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.
Bernard Meltzer

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'
C.S. Lewis

The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
Jim Morrison

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
Muhammad Ali

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.
Hubert H. Humphrey

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.
Elbert Hubbard

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.
Woodrow T. Wilson

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.
Henry David Thoreau

The only way to have a good friend is to be one.
John Wooden

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